Sunday 12 October 2014

10 Reasons to Add Chia Seeds to Your Diet

Chia seeds are a type of edible seed with a mild nutty flavour. They are a powerhouse of nutrients, for they contain several vitamins and minerals but very few calories. Their interesting flavour makes them the perfect addition to your diet. You can sprinkle them on your cereal, vegetables dishes, yogurt, juices, faloodas (a sweet Indian drink) or baked goods. Here are some of the health benefits of chia seeds.

Weight loss

Chia seeds are packed with high quality protein, making them a good source of protein, especilly for vegetarians. This helps reduce your appetite, fill you up faster and reduce your food cravings. They also help you lose weight by preventing all the food you eat from getting absorbed by your body and controlling your blood sugar and insulin resistance.


Chia seeds are a natural treatment for type 2 diabetes, because they slow down digestion and regulate insulin levels. If you soak them in water and let them develop their gelatinous coating, this coating can help prevent your blood sugar from spiking.

Brain health

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very good for your brain. They are the richest source of omega-3 among plant sources, and contain more omega-3 than salmon. Unfortunately, omega-3 from plants is not converted as efficiently as it is from non-vegetarian sources.

Dietary fibre
Eating just two tablespoons of chia seeds can fulfil a third of your fibre requirements for the entire day.Fibre reduces inflammation, lowers your cholesterol levels and improves your bowel movements.

Teeth and bones

A single serving of chia seeds has about one fifth of your calcium requirement for the entire day.Calcium helps strengthen your teeth and bones, and keeps osteoporosis at bay. Chia seeds are also rich in manganese, phosphorous and magnesium, all of which improve your bone health.


Chia seeds have plenty of anti-oxidants that protect your body from aging, free radicals and cancer. These anti-oxidants also give them a long shelf life, making them last up to two years without refrigeration. 

Exercise performance

Studies have shown that chia seeds can boost your exercise performance almost as much as a sportsdrink. They can be used to help athletes load up on carbs before sports events, by delivering plenty ofnutrition and reducing sugar intake. 

Heart health

Chia seeds help to lower your blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels and improve your good cholesterol, making them very good for your heart. 

Whole grain and gluten-free

Chia seeds are whole grain foods that are naturally gluten-free, so they can be included in your meal plan even if you are following a gluten-free diet.

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