Monday 13 October 2014

The Best Inner Thigh Exercises Ever

As a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, people often ask me how to tone up their inner thighs. While certain leg-lift-style moves do target the inner thigh muscles, it is not possible to spot-reduce fat from your inner thighs--no matter how many leg-lifts you do! If you're exercising consistently and eating a healthy diet, your body will tend to lose fat all over, not just in one certain area. However, by following a well-rounded workout plan (that includes total body strength training, cardio and flexibility work) along with a healthy diet, you will gradually help reduce the amount of fat located in the inner thigh region as your total body fat percentage drops.

This video includes moves that work multiple muscles at once through large ranges of motion to help you burn more calories while you strengthen the inner thighs. Since these moves incorporate so many muscle groups, you'll burn more fat in less time! 
One more note: Don't forget that our bodies are designed to carry a little bit of fat in the inner thigh area, so please don't obsess over producing an "inner thigh gap"! Some bodies were genetically created with a natural thigh gap, but for most of us, strong thighs that may "touch" but help us squat, lunge, walk, skate and skip are healthy!

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